onsdag 10 juli 2013

The Story behind the Central Library [of Helsinki]

This animated video is from 2010 - go back, go forward, young and old...

Related, in swedish ja suomeksi >>>

måndag 16 februari 2009

måndag 9 februari 2009

Information R/evolution

Mike Wesch: "This video explores the changes in the way we find, store, create, critique, and share information. This video was created as a conversation starter, and works especially well when brainstorming with people about the near future and the skills needed in order to harness, evaluate, and create information effectively."

söndag 8 februari 2009

Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us

YouTube-favoriten The Machine is Us/ing Us (Final Version), av Mike Wesch.

Angry Librarian

Möte på biblioteket. Interaktivitet eller hur! Uttömmande?

Do You Want to be a Librarian?

This is an open access occupational film about the library profession, and becoming a librarian. It was shot in 1947

A Librarian 2.0 Manifesto

Manifesto by Laura Cohen, 2006. Video slideshow mash up by Soren Johannessen, Copenhagen

Search smarter, Search faster

Videos, altius, fortius!
Bibban behöver inte bara syssla med förhistoriska undervisningsmetoder, det finns andra stadier än dinosauriernas.
University of Sydney, tummen upp!

The Cart Wheels

The Cart Wheels - America's Number 1 Book Cart Team! - vinnaren i ALA 2008 Bookcart Drill Team World Championship, var så god -

Tack till mkm, aka M_K_M!
[the information specialist with Stupid Library Tricks]
Vem har sagt att livet på & omkring bibban behöver vara tråkigt, torrt & trist, glanslöst, allvarligt, oestetiskt, allt annat än rock'n'roll?

Why I Love the UCSC Library, Why Do We Love the Library?

UCSC Library "Why I Love the Library" YouTube Video Contest
- Uppe vinnaren Adam Clines "Why I Love the UCSC Library",
nere en annan svängig Lib-lover godbit,
"Why Do We Love The Library?", av Kimberly Aguilar och Jolene Hamilton.

Building Academic Library 2.0

Academic Library 2.0 Keynote Speaker: Meredith Farkas,
Distance Learning Librarian Norwich University, Northfield
Meredith Farkas "Information Wants To Be Free"
Meredith's Presentations
"...also contribute to a collaborative blog, TechEssence, which is dedicated to giving folks concrete introductions to library-related technologies..."